This is a story from long ago when Australia was rich with black fullas’, where the animals were not only hunted for food but appreciated spiritually. This maybe only a fictional short story but in my own individual and ‘special psyche’ it serves purpose so read between the lines and unravel the mysterious of the brain. LMAO.
- (kangaroos thousand of years ago existed but appeared differently, they were carnivorous, had canine teeth and bound across the country rather than hopped).i.e. in reference to Skippy in this story, his character is a vegetarian so he offers no harm.)
- (romornis stirtoni was the largest of the dromornithids, a group of huge flightless birds known only from Australia. The late Miocene Dromornis, from Alcoota Station in the Northern Territory, weighed up to 500kg and stood over three metres in height, making it heavier than the Giant Moa of New Zealand and taller than the Elephant Bird of Madagascar. Related closely to the emu.)
The dream time begins; Bood eww was a young warrior (16 coolabah carvings old) from the Ompaloompa (knuckle draggers, moon crickets, porch monkeys, jiggaboos) tribe in the Northern Territory, his only want in life was to be the most talented ceremonial dancer in all the land. There was one minor problem that stood in the way of Bood eww achieving his goal, he was born without legs. Because of this his means of transportation was hitchin’ a ride with his best friend Skippy- the bush kangaroo. He would nest his little stumps in skippies pouch and cruise around the country side sipping on skippies motherly milk.
The country Australia or as the natives called it- ‘thaga waga jabba noonga’, was beautiful in all its dry desolate ugliness, there had been no tears from the heavens in far to long. Bood ewws tribe was in desperation so a gathering was organised for all the tribes in the land to sing the rainbow serpent “moonda gartda” awake and perform the sacred Shakaleg dance that only the chosen & uniquely gifted dancer new. Finding this particular dancer had proven a strenuous task so everyone and anyone from all the land was invited to the ceremonial Shakaleg dance to attempt what seemed an impossible task, even Bood eww was invited in all the haste.
Bood eww was especially excited today, for today the day of the dance! The only trouble was he didn’t no how he was going to Shakaleg without any legs to shake. He had been outcast, ridiculed and taunted for his lack of limbs his whole life. Many a times he was left abandoned and barred from returning to his tribal grounds by his tribal elders, but it did not deter Bood eww from returning and taking up residency in his Bunyip hole once again. He needed to be with his tribe even if they were unkind, for one day he would be the pinnacle of their success. He believed this wholeheartedly.
Bood eww still cruising around with Skippy decided on taking a small break near a small shallow watering hole, for a toilet stop and to stretch his arms. Upon his arrival he came across a magical talking ‘platamypuss’ a mystical creature believed to be just a story told to the young piccaninnies’ when the sun fell asleep and the moon whispered peacefulness.
Bood eww being a friendly and curious no-legged-moon cricket-jigger approached the creature, after all how many people can say they’ve seen a ‘platamypuss’.
He learned that the creatures name was ‘MEEOw’ and that he granted wishes to those who were noticeably without something. This excited Bood eww; the spirits were looking down on him today with love. His wish of becoming the best dancer in all the land was about to come true and his fellow knuckle draggers would finally accept him, the taunting would be over and Bood ewws pearly white smile would brighten the night as he did his Shakaleg dance. HOW EXCITING WAS SUCH A THOUGHT. Without any hesitation, Bood eww voiced his wish to MEEOw; he would like a pair of legs. Not just any legs though, a set of ‘big chooky’ (Dromornis stirtoni see top page) legs. This would certainly impress the girls of the Ompaloompa tribe; they’d go googley eyed over seeing chicken legs with such strength, length and unique beauty. MEEOw granted Bood ewws wish with a flap of her tail, as the sky stood still and the earth took absence for a brief second, his legs appeared. Now Bood eww stood tall with pride and admiration at his new found legs, he was to excited to even thank the platamypuss MEEOw and took off running back to the tribal grounds to be in time for the ceremonial rain dance-sing song, with Skippy in close pursuit. Bood eww had never felt so free and alive as he galloped along the country side not stopping once to rest, he was on a mission to cure his previous condition of no hoper in the tribe and prove that he had what it took to be the ultimate shakalega in all the land.
It was dark now and as Bood eww approached the grounds he could hear all the soulful songs and hear the thump thump of the dancers, he quickened his pace and arrived just in time for the final dance performed by a gifted dancer with a unique individual dance style. Without any hesitation, Bood eww jumped in centre stage and began to dance. It wasn’t hard to get his new legs to dance for animals such as ‘big chookies’ are known to be graceful dancers light on there feet and Bood eww had the spirit of a dancer in his veins.
When his Shakaleg was over, and the echoes of the movements ran out, Bood eww still stood still and tall awaiting all the tribes reaction- it was unmistakable, Bood eww was truly unique in all that he was. THE TRIBES CHEERED, THEIR VOICES DROWNING OUT THE SOUND OF DISTANT THUNDEROUS ROARS FROM TH HEAVENS. As Bood eww continued with his stance and enveloping all the appreciative fans, a rain drop land on his nose. Than as if the skies were cheering for him to it started to rain. Bood eww was the one, the one to sing the rainbow serpent “moonda gartda” awake to make the land breath again and flourish.
These days no-one remembers the little jigga Bood eww that had no legs, instead the praise the man Bood eww with the chicken legs who can dance the spirits awake and make the heavens open up. With all his new found acceptance and admiration Bood eww became the perfect catch amongst the female porch monkeys, often getting marriage proposals and various gifts (fossilized rangaboon goona from over the waters- delicacy and extremely yummy). In the end Bood eww chose a girl he had had his eye when he used to have stumps, her name was GOON eww (joon eww) and she was without any arms. She had had an encounter and argument over a tasty fish with a crocodile, the crocodile being selfish ate her arms. Goon eww also visited the platamypuss MEEOw and was granted the wish of flight n given a set of ‘gobble gawbble’ wings.
COPYwrite- Jamie jum jumbae ykikamoocow passmore